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Do you know your people numbers?

We usually know very well EBITA, profit, cash flow etc, BUT:

  • How many leaders do you have – let’s say 30 
  • What is the turnover rate – let’s say 20% 
  • How many replacements are needed per year – 6
  • What is the cost of one replacement – 6-9 months salary 
  • What is the average cost of replacement of one leader – calculate yourself 🙂 

How long does it take to develop a specialist to a well-functioning leader? It’s definitely not a matter of days or months, can take years of practice

We know that:

  • We should look at our people as the most important asset
  • We should have a system at place how to plan, track, operate and upgrade our asset according to business needs

How do we do it? Usually offer training. And we have experienced that it usually has only short-time effect on motivation and does not influence much above-mentioned numbers.

This is what Leadership Pipeline can be for your organization – a framework to enable clarity, effectiveness and continuity in your people business.


Read more about Leadership Pipeline HERE.

Change Partners OÜ

Woldemar Mayer building
Paldiski mnt 29, corpus B, 6th floor
Tallinn, Estonia 10612

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