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Ericsson Estonia Safety Project

Client Need

Ericsson is one of the leading providers of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to service providers, with about 40% of the world’s mobile traffic carried through their networks. The client needed to raise awareness among the managers about the importance of their role in securing a safety culture.

Our Solution

We involved more than 120 Ericsson first and middle management leaders in safety discussions in order to increase leadership responsibility and their dedication to the topic. In cooperation with the client, we designed a Safety Dialogue Map for managers, and we conducted discussions in Estonian and Russian which were focused on the following questions:
  • What are the success factors of effective leadership in the field of safety?
  • What is your organization's safety culture today and how can it be developed further?
  • How to prevent future work accidents?


  • The leaders became aware of how much really depends on their example and practice. Managers found that there is a huge difference between the ways in which to communicate safety issues with their employees and how to get people involved and ready to give feedback. Through analyzing previous accident cases, they also recognized the importance of paying attention to incidents, how a small thing can become a serious accident if not addressed at the right time.
  • The participants formulated several dozen upgrading proposals to ensure a safe working environment and safe behaviors. The projects are jointly funded by plant managers.


"The format of the dialogue card is a good alternative to lecture training. It often creates a debate and the participants create personal relationships that help to strengthen the company's safety culture."

- Evely Gorobinski, Work Relations and Competence manager, Ericsson Eesti AS

Change Partners OÜ

Woldemar Mayer building
Paldiski mnt 29, corpus B, 6th floor
Tallinn, Estonia 10612

Reg no: 10744322

DUNS: 514409445

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